》echn裝潢材料網 》echn產品 》壁布 》 禮蘭華貴壁布II Leyland 壁布
*GRACEFUL FEATURE Wallcoverings possesses three diamension, beautiful colors. And exquisite design brings cozy atmosphere. *DIMENTIONAL STABILITY AND NON-JOIN Even under extremem varation in temperation and humidity the material will not change. Can be well jointed without deform. *SOUND ABSORBING The structure of the fabric improves the sound absorbing. An ideal sound absorbing material for housings, restaurant, hotel, shop, theater, opera, offices, banks, hospital, gallery, library, meeting room. culture center. *WATER RESISTANCE AND DAMP-PROOF Dependent on the composition of the fabric improves the water resistance and dampproof especially the houses build in the mountain side in summer time. *UPKEEP A vocuumcleaner is recommended. Stains should be tyeated as soon as possible with a soft cloth or sponge moistened in clean water. Hard rebbing sould be avoided. *SIZE Width:90cm or width:53cm*length:9.5M 禮蘭華貴壁布 –LEYLAND WALLCOVERINGS係以高級纖維為素材,以專利技術工法,採一貫作業、嚴格品管製造而成,為世界一流之室內裝潢建材,是一種盡善盡美的劃時代產品。 ☆外觀高雅 表面具立體感,色彩調配活潑,明朗富現代感能帶給您生活朝氣與舒適。 ☆無接縫 接縫處緊密,不起毛、牢固平整而完美,安裝後能達到無接縫之效果,無一般壁材接縫明顯之缺點,能達到設計上之整體感。 ☆吸音 LEYLAND壁布使用於牆壁,天花板、活動隔板,具有吸音的優點,適於一般住家、商店、別墅、辦公室、圖書館、博物館、畫廊、文化中心、音響室、電視台、醫院、會議室、飯店、舞廳、餐廳、酒店、展示會場,其吸音效果,更能發揮其吸音特性,完全達到設計上之效果。 ☆防潮 因纖維組織可以透氣具有高防潮性能,特別適用山坡地之別墅建築。 ☆易維護 建議您使用吸塵器維護,可保歷久彌新。 |